The Colored Brain Model Categorizes Thinking Preferences Into Four Colors:

Blue: Emotional (Intuitive Brain Processor)

Green: Creative (Random Brain Processor)

Red: Logical (Linear Brain Processor)

Purple: Organized (Relational Brain Processor)

Everyone has the same hardware (the brain) but the software (brain processors)  running the brain is different. As a result of the different brain processors, clarity is achieved different by each of the colored brain. The workshop helps individuals identify their dominant thinking style (or “Color”) and understand how it influences clarity, decision-making, and interactions with others.


It also provides strategies for effectively communicating and collaborating with people who have different colored brains / thinking styles.

22 Years of shaping the learning
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Training Edge International Was Founded In 2 00 1 With The Goal Of Growing People And Transforming Organisations By Using Leading-Edge Knowledge To Provide Proven And Tested Solutions To Improve Productivity And Performance.

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With a wide range of domain experts and over 18 years of training in various industries like Aviation & Education

Keynote Presentation

A keynote speaker is the most important speaker in any given event and this is the differences between an unforgettable event

Lunch & Learn

Our Lunch & Learn programs are specially designed for organizations to maximize their staff’s

Understand Colored Brain Profiles: Learn about the different colored brain profiles and how they impact communication, decision-making, and problem-solving in individuals.

Assessment: Conduct Colored Brain Communication assessments to identify the predominant thinking preferences of individuals within your team or organization. This will help you understand the diversity of thinking styles present.

Awareness: Increase awareness among team members about their own thinking preferences and those of their colleagues. This can be done through workshops and training sessions.

Adapt Communication: Tailor your communication style to accommodate the preferences of different team members, thereby building a better rapport and helps to secure faster buy-in and support from all.

Collaboration: Foster collaboration and teamwork by encouraging individuals to appreciate and leverage each other’s strengths. Create opportunities for cross-functional teams where members with different thinking preferences can contribute their unique perspectives.

Flexibility: Be flexible in your approach and open to different ideas and ways of thinking. Avoid imposing one-size-fits-all solutions and instead encourage experimentation and innovation.

Feedback and Recognition: Provide regular feedback and recognition to individuals based on their contributions and achievements. Acknowledge the value of diverse thinking styles and how they contribute to the overall success of the team.

Continuous Learning and Individual Reflection: Encourage continuous learning and reflection to further enhance understanding and application of Colored Brain Communication principles.

By following these steps, you can create an environment where individuals feel valued, understood, and empowered to contribute their best, ultimately leading to greater success for everyone involved.


“Great Things in Business is Never Done by One Person” – Steve Jobs



Have you ever explained something so clearly to someone, yet they do not seem to understand you, and vice versa? Or wonder why the same exact information can be interpreted differently by different people resulting in misunderstandings and potential conflicts? Or why are there different preferences to how work is carried out?


Do you know that the outcome of our behaviour boils down to our genetic brain color? Different brain colors will look at the world though their own colored lenses, and dictates the way each acts, reacts, analyses and problem solves.


If you are working with others or leading a team, would you be interested to find out how “colored brain” communication can help you to create a better synergy with members of the team and how to take concrete steps to pre-empt and manage conflicts?


Colored Brain Communication is validated by the American Business School of Psychology.

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Upon completion of this fun, impactful and enriching workshop, you will:


  • Learn the foundation of “colored brain” communication and understand the focus and decision making process for each colored brain
  • Understand the strengths of each colored brain
  • Apply understanding of concept to anticipate potential misunderstandings with each “colored brain” combination; and
  • Develop improved communication strategies when working across different “colored brains”.
  • Build an environment of success for different colored brains



Importance of Effective Communication in a Team


  • Understand the basis for effective communication to take place
  • Experience the “psychological barriers” that prevent such effective communication and how to overcome such barriers


Taking Communication to the Next Level with Colored Brain Communication 

  • About You : What Color is Your Brain?
  • Find out the color that you tend to have more difficulties working with

Understanding the Differences between the Colored Brains 

  • Learn the genetic color brain communication style of each brain color (to understand why people do the things they do)
  • Understand how each color achieves clarity in guiding decision making
  • Understand the strengths of each colored brain

Identifying Potential Conflicts and Mastering Relationships with Different Colored Brains

  • Identify how each color sees the other and potential conflicts that can arise
  • Learn tips and techniques to pre-empt conflicts
  • Learn to adjust communication styles to work more effectively, build better rapport, and to gain more support and buy-in, with each color brain

 Wrapping Up 

  • Reflection: Questions and Decisions about People via “Color Brain”



This course is interactive, experiential and dynamic in nature.

Participants are immersed in the entire learning system through games, activities, videos and group discussions to make sure the learning is embedded in consciousness and long term memory for better application back at work.

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